Maple Villa
Rick Jenkinson | Kearsarge, NH.
Rick is a man of action. Recently retired from his day job, he can't stay away from solving problems, including how to bring Maple Villa back to life, and he can’t stay out of the woods, earning him a nickname “Soup” in reference to his nightly meals while glade chiefing.

Granite Backcountry | Stow, ME
Granite Backcountry manages the Baldface glade. Let us know if you have questions or interest in becoming a Glade Chief!
Bill Hill
Jason Hunter. Gorham, NH. GBA’s glade designer doubles as a glade chief - whowouldathunkit! Jason is a leader in his community with a passion for mountain biking and hospitality as owner of Hub North with his wife Kara.

Hypnosis Glade
Dan Osetek | Madison, NH
A community commercial banker by trade, Dan is always eager to ditch the suit and tie to cut some glade zones for GBA. Dan was drawn to Madison’s foothills to create a zone where experienced BC skiers can introduce kids to the great adventures of BC skiing. “By bringing new kids into the sport, we will create the next generation of volunteers to pick up the loppers and keep the woods skiable for generations.”
Ski Tow Glade
Paul Maresca | Whitefield, NH
Paul is the first “double-double” in the GBA family. He’s not only a glade chief but the Saw Chief as well - and that is some impressive work!

Dan Kenerson | Sugar Hill, NH
Dan is the man when it comes to the COOL J glades. He was the first one to request “backcountry skiing” be included in the forestry plan and thankfully he did - giving the project a legitimate start all the way to finish!

Charles Wolcott | Franconia, NH
Charlie’s enthusiasm for this zone is contagious! He so badly wants a #GIMBY (glade in my backyard) he decided to step up and make it happen. Goodonya Charlie!

Black & White
Dan Elliot | Andover, ME
Dan’s backyard is literally Rumford Whitecap. With his captivating energy, Dan’s knowledge of the zone is unmatched; like many Glade Chief’s, Dan’s winter just changed for the better. Dan is a long-time ski patroller at Sunday River and works in the local hospital.
Black & White
Skip Repetto | Bethel, ME
Skip was a long-time GIS expert for the state of Alaska until he and his wife decided to switch things up and come east. We are glad he came! Skip is not only instrumental in his GC duties but he is also highly skilled in GIS and is performing work for GBA’s mapping team including development of maps for Avenza and Graniteland.

The Pike Glades
Warren Bunnell | Pike, NH
Warren spends as much time as he can curating and expanding The Pike Glades. In between work and school, he is slowly but surely learning the skills every Glade Chief needs to maintain the wild woods of a large glade zone with help from family, co-workers and the GBA community.

West Side Glade
Craig Billie | Bartlett, NH
Craig’s curiosity serves skier’s well as he leaves no stone unturned in his quest for developing and maintaining the perfect glade in the Graniteland network. You’ll find Craig spending his days on snow seeking the perfect tele turn, too. Say hi to Craig when you see him in the glade although he’ll probably beat you to it.

Black & White Glade
Jeff Marcoux | Wakefield, NH
Jeff' is the fearless leader of the Angry Beavers at Black Mountain of Maine, a dedicated group of volunteers that glade resort property to constantly seek the best line. Jeff’s work ethic is unmatched and his knowledge of the glading makes him one sweet dude. Say “thank you” to Jeff the next time you ski BMOM.

Mike Maziarz | Littleton, NH
Hailing from NH, Mike has been living in the Littleton area since 2011. A long time skier, he is excited to help keep the PRKR glades a place to recreate year round. Beer, cheer, or outdoor gear, it's all good to this NH native.

Black Mountain & Doublehead Ski Trails
Peyton Engborg | Berlin, NH
Peyton is originally from the Adirondacks in New York and recently returned to the East Coast after several years exploring the Intermountain West. Spending winters in the Wasatch and Tetons deepened her passion for backcountry skiing. She currently works for the Appalachian Mountain Club and is excited to volunteer with GBA to help maintain the backcountry glades in her new home
Page Hill
George Grzyb | Plymouth, NH
Involved with GBA since 2019, George has worn many granite yellow hard hats - quarry dog, saw dog safety/swamper, pack leader, event volunteer coordinator, and now glade chief. George finds his escape from corporate cybersecurity in the outdoor-based activities and philanthropy, also volunteering for PemiSAR and NH Backcountry Ski Patrol. Be sure to share a fine microbrew with George and to talk 'outdoor shop' with him after a hard day's work prepping the glades for winter

Gulf of Slides & The Sherb
Ben Cargill | North Conway, NH
Come experience the extreme terrain options of the legendary presidential range in Ben’s backyard office. A veteran employee of the Appalachian Mountain Club, Ben “the white mountains Cargill” can often be found sessioning the plethora of lines in the Gulf of Slides or enjoying a leisurely afternoon cruise on the ol’ reliable Shurb. There aren’t always a ton of good Powder days in whites, but when there is, it’s a sure bet you can thank Ben for setting the skin track!